ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Programme
The Programme consists of 16 Modules and covers the following topics:
- Business idea and USP
- Business name and logo
- Copyright and Patents
- Pricing
- Marketing and Sales
- Customer Service
- Communication and networking
- Business Structures
- Business Finance
- Contracts and Legal Obligations
- Operational Plan and Personnel
- Budgeting
- Bookkeeping and Tax
- Business Plan and Financials
- Leadership and Corporate Responsibility
- Pitching to Investors
The lessons are taught through pre-scripted lecturing packs, role play, games and discussion. It is a superb teaching resource – the programme comes with a step-by-step downloadable guide to
delivery and everything that is needed to start teaching from day one.
Students will receive at the end of the Programme a personalised and numbered Certificate of Achievement. Students will be offered the chance to compete in a ‘Shark Tank’ type event and the
winner will receive the ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Star Performer Certificate.
The master text is written in English. The text is presented in a simple and non-technical way. The course is made available via the ABE Platform. For more information about the programme, please
contact kidsmba@abeuk.com
ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Programme Progression
After completing the ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Programme the following ABE progression
qualifications are open to students:
Level 2 Award in Setting Up Your Own Business
Level 3 Certificate in Business Start Up
*Please note students need to be at least 14 years of age to take a Level 2 qualification.
Read more in our brochure: